Changes in towing rules make it easier for New South Wales Sailors

There have been some changes to towing rules that all J24 Sailors should be made aware of.  These changes will allow easier transportation of your J24 between states and hpoefully encourage more of you to travel to regattas!

Details can be found at:

Changes in Towing Rules for NSW Sailors

1 thought on “Changes in towing rules make it easier for New South Wales Sailors”

  1. Paola,

    Not sure if this has helped J24 sailors at all. Our problem is that the maximum width of a load on a trailer is 2.5m. A J24 is slightly wider than this. It appears the Etchells has lobbied for a change to the max overhang in conjunction with Yachting NSW. Is it possible for the J24s to do the same?

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