J24 class racing in South Australia has based out of The Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia located in Lady Gowrie Drive, Northhaven. There is marina berthing for 240 craft up to 22 metres and 150 hardstand berths, along with full club, restaurant and bar facilities.

There are approximately 6  J24s sailing in SA. The J24 Association of South Australia offers many benefits for its members.

For an annual fee of $75, the following benefits are available ….

Tuning: Members are always on hand to assist and advise you for the best performance.

Boat purchase: We can assist you to locate a boat, have it checked, and even make a trailer available for transportation.

Maintenance: The association can help you with tools including swagers, wire cutters, rivet guns and spectra rope.

Training: Coaching on and off the water by class association coaches and special guests.

Social: Our social committee runs a very active social program which caters for all members, guests and families.

South Australian Association

Association Contact – Peter Stevens            0417 802 640


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