Check this page regularly for information on fixing things on your J24, some of our best minds will be able to offer ideas, tips and tricks on things you should and should not do.
What to do? How do I fix it?
Hi everyone, if you wish me to discuss any topics please ask.
Pete Stevens.
contact me on or
Servicing your Barient or Barlow winch
Some of you will know what to do, but for any that don’t, here’s a little checklist of the bits you will need to revitalise your winches and save yourself a few shekels – the way I do it.
You need: A bottle of kerosene, a plastic container large enough to get the drum of your winch in (but no larger or you will use too much kero, I use a 2L ice cream container), a few rags for cleaning and wiping away mess, a stiff one inch paint brush, a stiff toothbrush, a set of Allen keys, a small flat screwdriver (for scrapping corrosion off things and getting pawl springs out)), a flat fine file (for taking the burrs off items like the round back end of your pawls, filing dried corrosion off), a small square of 180 sandpaper (I use this around an Allen Key to clean out the circular Pawl housing if they are dirty, but use in a circular motion not vertically), tube of winch grease, a small bottle of light oil (for the pawls), clothing you don’t mind getting dirty, nitrile disposable gloves (unless you are happy to get your hands messy), barrier cream if you aren’t using gloves and don’t want to smell of kero for the next few days (you can get this at the chemist for about $5), a hat and sunscreen (a good brand is Sailor), phone and a couple of cold drinks of a preferred variety.
Once everything is clean you can start putting it all back together, use a small amount of grease on bearings, bearing surfaces and cogs, use the light oil in your pawls (not grease) – there that wasn’t too hard was it.
Fixing a Rudder
I understand somebody trashed a rudder and it needs to be repaired.
The rudders are Balsa core so repairing them is quite easy.
1. Grind out the damaged section to bare balsa.
2. Identify the Damaged core
3. Route out or grind out the damaged section – be careful not to go through to the other side of the rudder as this is used as a backing plate.
4. Source some balsa from Nupol composites (formerly Huntsman)
5. Glue the balsa, shape to profile.
6. Layup glass work and top of with a layer of peel ply. Peel Ply gives you a nice flat finish.
7. Sand the Glass with 80 grid
8 Should not need any filler, if filler is required fill and sand
10. You can spray flow-coat :- match colour and Thin Mixture with acetone. approx 50%
11. Sand the top coat with 400, 600, and 800 wet and dry.
12. Buff to a mirror finish
Job done !!!!