J24 Battery


 This is the photo of my battery installation in AUS174. It s a jumpstart battery pack bought on special for $39.00

We modified it for use on the boat by removing the jump start leads, installing a ON/OFF switch shown on the right.

The unit has a cigarette lighter socket on the right for your external power out connection.

The unit is mounted under the sink and tied to the forward bulkhead  using 3 stainless steel saddles . The main advantage over a stand alone battery is that the enclosure houses a battery metre, a low voltage indicator, and a 240VAC charging pack.

1 thought on “J24 Battery”

  1. Peter,

    Do you use this pack instead of a battery for lights etc?
    Can you give me more details (how you modified etc?) and what is the brand name.
    How do you charge the battery?

    Kind regards,

    Cor bij de Weg

    The Netherlands

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