2023 Nationals at Cronulla

The Nationals are racing at us.
The recent NSW States at Cronulla was a great dry run for those sailing and planning to do the Nationals. Learning new lessons and local tactics and relearning what should have been remembered. The weather was light and fluky at times, patchy and with a low swell rolling through.

Top 5 were: Convicts, Stamped Urgent, Tinto, Ace, Jet.

I have been asked about the Nationals NoR by a few people – here is the info you need. (It’s a little hard to find if you are not used to the layout of the info on the CSC site.

Go to the CSC website
Click on J24 Nationals
To enter click on the ‘J24 National Championships 2023 Entry’ link
To get the NoR, click on the ‘Event ONB’ (Online Notice Board) and you can download the NoR there
You will also need to fill out the Onboard Crew Declaration.

Entries close on 28th December at 5pm so get them in or cop a late entry fee.
As always entering sooner helps the organisers with things like organising volunteers, catering and planning the regatta management in general.

Let’s hope the weather cooperates and it will be a great regatta

Cheers Simon