Hi Everyone.
You may remember the Jet crew went to Auckland for the MRX Regatta earlier this year – we had a ball and I suggested that we try and get a number of J Crews to go and do the regatta again next March.
Have you thought about it ?
The organisers have put out more information about next years event and I have copied it below with a link to a page with all the info they have sent so follow the links and check it out
Submit your “Expression of Interest” in the
2014 Farr MRXPacific Keel Boat Challenge Now
To register your Club, Class or Crews interest in competing in this regatta please E-mail your Expression of Interest to:
Tom Macky, Fleet Manager, MRX Yachting
E-mail mrxyachting@xtra.co.nz, Mob +64 21 679 125
For more information
You can call me for more information and to have a chat about it – 0413 870 046
Click here to go to the J24 detail page https://j24.com.au/?page_id=3849
On last year’s regatta click on the link www.mrxyachting.co.nz/pacific-challenge.htm
Count me in. I will try and persuade my crew (and wife)