Quantum Sails J24 National Championships 4-7 January 2017

The Quantum Sails J24 National Championships will run over 4 days from 4-7 January 2017 at Cronulla Sailing Club, with a Invitation Race taking place on 3 January.

Quantum Sails J24 National Championships 2017 Notice of Race

Quantum Sails J24 National Championships 2017 Entry Form

Online Entry

Event Website

Remember that we still have two carbon fibre spinnaker poles, exclusively for sale to NSW members for $857 so if you want a lighter, stronger pole for the Nationals let Paula know on 0404 539176.

Anyone intending to race who is not currently a NSW J24 Association member is encouraged to join now.

Notice of National Association AGM. This is to be held at Cronulla Sailing Club on 5/1/17 at 0800hrs. If you have items you want added to the agenda they should be sent by email to the National President by 10/12/16

J24 NSW Membership Application 2016/17