Nationals News 1

J24 States 2015 Day 1 Start
Put yourself on the start line in Melbourne

Lots of people are already talking about the Nationals, lots of questions being asked about sailing in Melbourne in January. There’s lots to tell and some potential big news …. but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Firstly let’s get the NSW States done and dusted.

I hear Kirj is trying to back up his win at Gosford, got the gun team on Arthurs boat ! I hear the Cronullans are getting around 5 boats to the states ….. go shire ! From Melbourne, Simon is steering with Tim, Brendan is steering a Sydney boat and Ron is bringing Kicking to tussle with Janette for the NEW Thommo Cup. If the weather gods are on our side it will be a beautiful regatta again at Prince Edwards, perhaps the best secret yacht club in Sydney.

So back to the Nationals, this season, gauging from the interest shown already we may be looking at the first 30 boat Nationals for a very long time.

The NOR will be out online shortly, but for those not already looking at the calendar page above, you’ll need to know that the Nationals are being held at Sandringham YC from the 2nd to the 8th January. Racing is the Monday 4th – 8th with a layday on the Wednesday. Registration, measurement and weigh in starts on the 2nd and there is a practice race on the Sunday 3rd, probably around 2pm, regardless of whether you do the practice race or not your boats need to be in the water by then. I know, none of you will sail through the finish line (might save on race management if we don’t need one !)

So plenty of hard racing, 12 of them in fact – 13 if you count the practice race, so most will be pretty hung out by the end of it. But for those with plenty of energy there will be a full social program as well.

First hang over opportunity will be the welcome sausage sizzle on the 3rd after the practice race – well, once you are cleaned up a little bit – I’m sure you all want to make a good impression. Not enough for you? Try Big Tuesday, a tradition with the Nationals in Melbourne, the big themed party at the yacht club (no idea what the theme is yet – we’ll let you know in good time to prepare for it !). You’ll need the lay day if you play hard in that one. Still not enough for you, President Doug is a tiger for punishment and wants to take you all out to St Kilda on the Thursday night, show you the town etc. – remember though Doug is Scottish so bring your own money!

And someone is going to win the whole thing – we’ve got a few wannabes thinking it’s themselves already, visitors should read up on the Black Prince of Sandringham before they come, he’s on a bit of a roll at the moment, but there will be some big names in the running – trust me. Winners means happiness – for some … and that means a humongous prize giving dinner on the Friday night. If you aren’t lying in a heap in the boat yard on Saturday morning – you didn’t try hard enough !

Ok a few house-keeping things, yes it does cost money – $500 entry but it is well worth it to rub shoulders with the best. Of course you can do that in the bar, but you’ll need to be on the water by 1100 each race day if you want to do it on the bay.

Visiting? Then you will have a trailer – no worries we’ll store them at the club for you safely (although if you make up a little trailer sign “Simon’s Boat Trailer Hire” I could make a few bucks while you are all out sailing!)  And there will be club FOB keys available as well. Accommodation is something you might need and you should work this out ASAP, you might get a bed with a local or for those with money and high taste there are plenty of local establishments nearby.

If you have any queries, Victorian President Doug’s your man – he is passionate about you coming to Melbourne, so why not give him a call on 0400 584 067 or you can call me for an ‘unbiased’ chat about all things J.  0413 870 046