Monjon Australia Victorian 2015 States

2015 States poster


This is now the biggest regatta since the Legends Regatta in Gosford a few years ago. The class is alive and well with 10 INTERSTATE ENTRIES. 4 from SA, 3 from the Harbour and 3 from Cronulla.

The Monjon Victorian States are shaping up to be a 25 boat regatta this year. Dates are Saturday 18 –  Sunday 19th April this year.

The fleet at Sandy is hot, 20 boats all wanting a piece of the action this year, new sails and new owners, old owners dusting off the tillers, everyones getting fired up.

Dave Suda is running just ahead of the pack, but not always, the ‘Black Prince of Sandringham’ isn’t getting it all his own way with the next 3 or 4 boats chomping on his rudder. Last year’s National Champ Steve Girdis from Sydney and Doug Watson from SA are coming to Melbourne and are planning to pull the plug out of the ‘Pacemaker’.  Dave Mackay and Steve O’Rourke from Cronulla, Robin and Jim Townsend, Andrew Townsend from SA and Jeanette Syme from the harbour are also coming. Word is the Thommo Cup is going to move homes or get a new set of rules !

Sadly all the spare Victorian boats are already chartered at this stage (keep asking incase one becomes available), so if you want to be part of the regatta you best bring your own boat.

Traditionally the regatta is a hot competition regatta in Melbourne’s soft Autumn wind conditions (no guarantee of course). Complimented by the usual great party evening on the Saturday, this is a regatta not to be missed.

This will be the biggest J regatta in 2015. So if you want to be part of it and can’t get your boat here then why not fly in and sail with a local, you’ll have a great time – guaranteed !

Call Vic Pres Doug MacGregor for more information  on 0400 584 067

Here’s a copy of the poster 2015 States poster

Go here for the NOR

Go here for more up to date info on the SYC site Update

If you are coming to Sandringham for the first time you can check the regatta information on the Vic page of this site – there is one low bridge you don’t want to get too !