At the recent J24 National Committee meeting it was decided the first six placegetters and the all-girl team from the 2020 Australian Championships held on Sydney Harbour, would be able to enter the 2021 J24 Worlds in Poole. This is in accordance with the IJCA announcement. Subject to International Travel restrictions being lifted, these qualifiers must advise the National Committee of their intention to participate in Poole by end of November 2020. Should any of these qualifiers decide not to participate, then the six qualifiers from the 2021 Australian Championships may enter instead. Preference will be given in the order of the placegetters. Any of the six 2021 qualifiers (plus an all-girl crew and Youth Boat) who do not wish to go to Poole may instead will be considered for the 2022 World Championships to be held in Argentina in March 2022. This allows them 14 months to prepare for these Championships.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please refer these to your National Committee member.
Regards Ron Thomson