2016 Monjon Security Nationals, Newsletter No 6

Hi Guys and Girls, more news from Kirby

It’s that time of the year again…well actually it’s normally around October, but with the National Titles coming up, nagging season is upon us again. Everyone sailing in the regatta needs to be a paid up J24 member of their state association and the earlier the better really, so that you can stop being pestered and I can stop my stalking campaign.

Let’s not have Christmas dinner interrupted with the debt collectors calling to chase $50 (and no matter how boring you might reckon your in-laws are, no … a conversation with a debt collector is not going to be more fun). And NYE, you just want to be counting down from 10 seconds to midnight, not counting off your bank account details to an automated voice on telephone banking. So what better time than now could there be to get this chore over and done with??!!

To join the VICTORIAN ASSOCIATION ONLY, use the easy online credit card option (goes through PayPal, but you don’t need an account – just your card details) is here:  https://j24.com.au/?page_id=3609

Or, if you prefer, the banking details for sending an EFT are here:
You can also do a direct debit to the association’s account. Please add your name in the reference description if you use this method.
The details for the bank are BSB: 083-231    Acct No: 01-897-1390,    J24 Association of Victoria.
Thanks in advance everyone for making this as short a nagging season as possible!

Of course if you need to join your own state association before you arrive in Melbourne, then now is probably a good time to call your state secretary – find their contact details on your respective state page from the links above.